Stories from
some of our satisfied
In my opinion, the training course gets 11 out of 10 stars!
Effektiv Nu has been training the employees at Schneider Electric since 2017. We had the pleasure of speaking to Robert Flinth, Sales Director at the division for Digital Energy within Schneider Electric, to share his experiences of the collaboration with Effektiv Nu. Robert who completed the Work Smarter training course back in 2018, chose to retake the course in 2024 with his current team.
Read moreThere is no nonsense but very practical
Effektiv Nu has been training several groups at Söderberg & Partners since 2013. In an interview, Erika, team leader for one of the larger teams in the pension sector, shares her experience of the Work Smarter training course, that she and her team completed in 2023. According to her, it is the absolute best and most value-creating training she has ever participated in.
Read moreA training course that benefits every employee
Bravida chose to first test the Work Smarter training course on a pilot group. Now a year later, Effektiv Nu has trained 14 groups at Bravida, with more training courses booked throughout the year. In an interview, Yaty, team leader at the Bravida School, shares her experience of this training effort.
Read moreWe have gained a significantly better overview
Effektiv Nu has had the privilege of training the employees at Elko. In an interview, Elko’s CEO and former country manager Peter Wotz talks about their experience of the Work Smarter and Internal Traffic Rules training courses, and what a difference they made for the organisation.
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After the training, I have gained a completely different way of thinking!
Natalie Bagger, together with Jasmine Edenvall, runs the accountancy firm Elite redovisning. In an interview with Effektiv Nu, Natalie talks about her experience of the Work Smarter training and the effect it had on both herself and her colleagues, as well as how it resulted in increased customer satisfaction.
Read moreAn efficiency training that takes it to the next level!
Effektiv Nu has been providing training for the Operation department at Academic Work since 2021. In an interview, Sofie Hillborg and Sara Sjöberg share their experience of the training and its impact on their employees and organization.
Read moreAn education that inspires continuous learning
Karin Hallendal Skogh is a Leadership Developer at PostNord and is responsible for conducting and coordinating training, coaching, and education in leadership internally within PostNord, and coordinating external education providers’ efforts.
Improved working methods and a healthier everyday life
In 2021, Effektiv Nu trained all officials at Wilzéns Produktion AB in Linköping as part of a major ongoing change process. Herman Nilsson is KMA manager at Wilzéns and tells in an interview with Effektiv Nu about the experience of the education and the effect it has had for increased quality assurance and a better psychosocial work environment.
A course that makes a difference – for real!
Mia Nordström is the Senior Policy Advisor E-mobility at Vattenfall. In an interview, Mia explains how Open Training with Effektiv Nu was an important step in helping her get back with a sustainable structure and greater sense of digital control.
Read moreGreater control and reduced stress in day-to-day life
Using working hours in the smartest possible way can make a big difference, both to productivity and to the employees’ own well-being. This is something that the staff at the University of Gävle have experienced.
Internal traffic rules contributing to a better working environment
Cecilia Engelbrektsson is HR Manager at Skill, and has worked at the company for 11 years. She has previously worked as a district manager in the food industry and has been a training manager.
Read moreInterview with Morten Lundqvist, Norner
Norner was founded 10 years ago after more than 30 years as part of a large petrochemical corporation, and is now a plastics and polymer development institute. Morten Lundqvist works as Head of Research at Norner. In an interview, he talks about the training initiative that was conducted alongside Effektiv Nu.
Read moreInterview with Holistic
Peter Hencz is Chief Executive Officer of Holistic Sweden AB. Holistic is a Swedish knowledge company that develops and sells pure food supplements and Superfood. In an interview, he talks about his experience of the course with Effektiv Nu.
Use the right tools to be effective
Mikael Victor is the CFO at the Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Workers’ Union (HRF). He has a wide-ranging role, with responsibility for everything related to finance and facility management, office services, reception and cleaning. In an interview, he talks about the course he attended with Effektiv Nu.
The change starts right away – Interview with the Swedish Electricians’ Union
Helena Eriksson is Chief Financial Officer of the Swedish Electricians’ Union, and is responsible for the union’s administration and finances. In an interview, she talks about the training initiative that was conducted with Effektiv Nu.
Courses with Sweco Karlstad
Fredrik Björk and Daniel Jernstedt, Sweco Karlstad, describe what it was like to attend the Personal Efficiency course. Fredrik and Daniel are both group managers, each having personnel responsibility for around 20 employees.
We freed up 5–10 per cent of our working time!
After taking the course in Personal Efficiency, the sales team at SPP work better together. With the right tools to deal with stress and time thieves, the result is a smoother working day – and better sales staff.
Smarter day-to-day life after the course
Viktoria Vassiliadis is the HR Manager at Universal Music. A collaboration with Effektiv Nu has meant that the organisation now has a greater knowledge about how to work smartly and efficiently, while at the same time reducing stress during the working day.
Read moreSlam-dunk for Effektiv Nu
Sanna Westerberg is Head of Training at Telenor. She has worked hard to create competitive skills development that everyone at the company can share in. Effektiv Nu has become an important piece of the puzzle in Telenor’s offering to its employees.
Read moreClearer and more efficient working days now that Effektiv Nu is training our staff
The company Gruppo Di Luca was named Supplier of the Year 2011 at the Swedish Grocery Gala. Three years later, they were named Entrepreneur of the Year 2014. In an interview with Effektiv Nu, CEO Christian Di Luca talks about the decision to make Effektiv Nu the main supplier for the entire company’s efficiency training, which is also mandatory for all new employees.
Effektiv Nu trains key staff at the joint offices of the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF) and SISU Idrottsutbildarna
Are we making the best use of our working hours and our software? To answer this question, the Swedish Sports Confederation and SISU Idrottsutbildarna have allowed their management team and other selected employees to be trained by Effektiv Nu on several occations.
An internal working method that reduces stress at the same time as we get more done
Brandskyddslaget is a consultancy company in the field of fire safety, risk management and sprinkler design, and has operations in Stockholm, Karlstad, Gävle, Falun and Örebro.