Your journey towards
a more efficient
everyday life begins here.

Open Training


Personal efficiency

About the training course

Working life has changed. Rapid digital development and fierce global competition are imposing greater demands on the working methods, self-leadership and technical skills of the individual. Our Open Training in personal efficiency is aimed at you as an individual or office worker who wants to work smarter by creating control, a sustainable structure and reducing stress. The training course is carried out in a workshop format where the course instructor alternates between theory and practical exercises, to give you the participant the greatest possible variation and to stimulate different types of learning.

  • Format: Workshop
  • Target audience: Everyone
  • Time required: One full day + 2 hours of personal coaching
  • Location: Physical
  • When: See Date for Open Training

Purpose and goal

The purpose of the training course is for you to learn new ways of working that are adapted to our present times.

The goal is for you to become more efficient, increase productivity, free up time, reduce stress and achieve a better work-life balance!


Working methods and behavioural change

We inspire the participant to change their habits by introducing new working methods:

  • Personal efficiency
  • Minimise interruptions and free up time
  • Smarter prioritisation in everyday work
  • Sustainable planning in the short and long term
  • Create a sustainable structure
  • Proactive and sustainable information management
  • Efficient email and task management
  • Create control to achieve a balance between work and leisure

Location and equipment

During the training session, all participants will require the following:

  • Own computer and charger
  • Access to the email client
  • All programs involved during the training installed
  • A good internet connection for the digital training course


All our training courses can be completed both physically and remotely!


  • Full-day workshop (lunch and coffee included in physical training course)
  • Individual feasibility study – completed electronically (approx. 5 min)
  • Individual evaluation – completed electronically (approx. 10 min)
  • Documentation – sending of compendium and technical guides
  • 24 months support from the course instructor
  • 2 hours personal coaching


Quality guarantee – if you are not satisfied, you do not have to pay!

Date for Open Training

Date for Open Training course 2024

    • 24 October 2024, 08.30-17.00
    • 26 November 2024, 08.30-17.00

Are you thinking about which training course suits you or your company best?

Contact us and we will be happy to help you.


Contact us