“Reduces stress
at the same time as we
get more done.”

An internal working method that reduces stress at the same time as we get more done

Brandskyddslaget is a consultancy company in the field of fire safety, risk management and sprinkler design, and has operations in Stockholm, Karlstad, Gävle, Falun and Örebro.

“Last year, one of our most experienced fire safety consultants came and told us about Effektiv Nu. He wanted to find a way of achieving a more efficient structure and better order in his working day,” explains Martin Olander, CEO & Fire Engineer at Brandskyddslaget AB.

“At first I was a little sceptical about taking a course on efficiency and stress management, because Brandskyddslaget consists of 60 demanding individuals who are used to making their own decisions. At the same time, however, I understood that we’re all working with the stressful construction industry. This imposes demands on a daily basis regarding being able to prioritise what is most important, what has to be done first. So three of us tried out an open course at Effektiv Nu, and it was very good,” continues Martin Olander.


Working without disruptions saves time

Brandskyddslaget is now encouraging all its employees to attend training with Effektiv Nu.

“We don’t force anyone, of course, but we would like everyone to go. The things we learn from Effektiv Nu affect our internal working method and provide us with a common methodology and approach. For example, it has become much easier to sit undisturbed and work in the office when necessary. This is achieved by flagging that we are busy, and our colleagues both see and respect this. Effektiv Nu comes out to our offices to provide the training. They have recently been on site in both Stockholm and Karlstad, and it will soon be Örebro’s turn. Effektiv Nu’s CEO, Mansur, has led the courses himself. He initiates interesting discussions and has answers to all our questions. Mansur has an in-depth understanding of the Office suite, for example, and is great at showing, through various examples, how we can benefit from all the features in the Office suite.”


Preventing sick leave saves a lot of money

Things are going well for Brandskyddslaget. The company is growing and now operates nationwide, with around 2,000 different assignments per year.

“During periods of growth, it is especially important for companies to look after their staff, address stress-related issues and prevent stress in a positive manner. Having staff who are signed off sick because of their work situation is very costly. When we factor this into the calculation, the courses we buy from Effektiv Nu clearly offer value for money,” states Martin Olander.